- last week a number of folks attended a meeting at Heidi Seaborg's
home. We had an informative discussion, met several candidates and
started working on a Town politics 101 educational type material and
ultimately a "cliff notes" style description of the upcoming Warrants we
all get to vote on at Town Meeting. We will post that information on
the WayForward web site and distribute a link in the Wayland Dads
What can you do now? Start planning for how you are going to attend Town Meeting. We are told the likely important nights are Tuesday (4/7)
& if needed Thursday (4/8). How do we get both you and your spouse
to attend? We are going to do something to make this a fun event. Can
you and your neighbor share a babysitter? Can everyone recruit just one
extra person or couple?
We need to turn out the vote!!!
Important Dates
March 11 Weds - Last day to register to vote prior to Town Election and Town Meeting open until 8:00 p.m.
March 17 Tues - Postal delivery of warrants (Town Code 36-2A, MGL c. 39, s10)
March 19 Thurs - Candidates Night - League of Women Voters
March 25 Thurs - Moderator's Forum (Tentative Date) at 7:00 p.m.
March 30 Mon - Selectmen conduct ATM Warrant Hearing at 7:00 p.m
April 6 Mon - ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Monday at 7:30 p.m.)
April 7,
8, 13 (T, W, M) Adjourned sessions of Annual Town Meeting (Tuesday at
7:30 p.m., Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., and Monday at 7:30 p.m. as necessary)
The week of April 6th the WDG will host a 3 day continuous Tail Gate Party!